About us | Petpooja
About us

Hey! We’re Petpooja and we help restaurant

We deliver products that ensure revenue growth and the best customer experience for all types of restaurant partners

About us

From a small-scale B2B food delivery platform to India’s no. 1 restaurant billing software provider

From a small-scale B2B food delivery platform to India’s no. 1 restaurant billing software provider

When Petpooja’s first avatar came into being in 2011, it was a simple B2B food delivery model that took bulk food orders from the corporates & passed them forward to the restaurants. But soon, our founders realised that the restaurants they worked with were not living up to their potential and were shutting down forever. Primarily it was due to a lack of coherent technology that could support their daily operations. Their billing machines were as bulky, tedious and old as time. Due to this, the restaurants never had an actual estimate of their profit margins & expenses. Back then, restaurants were suffering more than growing.

This was when our founders decided to build a robust, user-friendly & cost-effective billing software for SMB restaurants that will automate everyday operations and push businesses towards sustainability.

And now, a decade into the industry, we have realized our dream of becoming the ideal restaurant billing solution provider to all & every kind of food service business in India.

Empowering restaurant ecosystem

Streamline unorganized sector of the food industry


The major force behind our success has always been constant research & innovation.

Restaurant Innovation


We believe in creating solutions that come without any confusing instruction manuals


Customer support

We always ensure that our restaurant partners are heard & their problems resolved



We are a strong believer in transparent & cost-effective pricing of technology


Serving those who serve delicious food

We learn, adapt & improve our technology to suit the needs of all our modern users

Serving those who serve delicious food


Clients across India, UAE, South Africa & expanding further


Cities covered by our on ground support team


Online order volume on zomato & swiggy processed on Petpooja


Bills processed everyday hassle & error free

People behind Petpooja

Meet the masterminds that pulled all-nighters to make the dream happen

Parthiv Patel

Parthiv Patel

Co-founder & CEO

Apurv Patel

Apurv Patel

Co-founder & CSO

Petpooja Growing Team

A growing team of 1300+ employees

Petpooja Employees

Support from 75,000+ restaurants

Join us and shape the future of restaurant industry

Join us and shape the future of restaurant industry

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